Longest bear market in crypto

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Why the Bear Market is NOT Over!
bitcoinlatinos.org � news � crypto-bitcoin-is-not-longest-ever-bear-market. This post will cover the five widely accepted crypto bear markets, providing insights into what caused the cycles and how long they lasted. We will also analyze. remains to be the second longest bear market in crypto history; the downturn has lasted for days. The markets are showing no signs of.
Comment on: Longest bear market in crypto
  • longest bear market in crypto
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However, regulatory issues continue to mount in the United States, China has doubled down on its anti-crypto standpoint, and the global economy is in uncharted waters as central banks continue to raise interest rates. This was spurred on by the European Recession, along with the burgeoning financial crisis in Cyprus. In October , Silk Road, an online black market that represented one of the first forms of widespread user adoption for crypto, was taken down by the FBI.