Atomic wallet move funds

atomic wallet move funds

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Moving funds from Binance to your Atomic Wallet
If you can't move your funds � first of all � don't worry, your funds are always safely stored on the blockchain. You can contact us via the official support. Open the wallet. � Choose the asset you would like to receive. � Click on BTC. � You will see the coin info interface. � You will see your BTC public address. � You. When it comes to swapping tokens, it's only possible for centralized platforms, like Binance or Coinbase. They are able to charge fees from the token's balance.
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In short, if you are trying to swap a mainnet coin, then the fee is indeed taken out of the amount you are trying to swap. You can then withdraw directly from Zengo to your bank account in fiat currency. Step 4. Zengo provides the most secure platform for buying, storing, and swapping cryptocurrencies.